
Academic Disciplines of Higher Education in Taiwan 收藏

  大學問編輯部   2022-03-24    Global


To read more: Overseas Chinese Students to Study in Taiwan

There are currently 159 universities, collages and junior colleges in Taiwan, offering more than 3,000 departments or programs for students to choose. Which subject are you interested in? Or which category group does it belong to? Before you apply for universities in Taiwan, you may wish to know about the 18 academic disciplines in Taiwan and their corresponding category groups.

Classification of university departments

In Taiwan, according to the professionalism and future development of different university departments, the Ministry of Education has put similar departments into one academic discipline (Table 2), and similar academic disciplines into a category (Table 1), forming 3 main categories and 18 academic disciplines, though some departments are cross-disciplinary.

Table 1: Three main categories and their corresponding academic disciplines:

Table 2: 18 Academic disciplines and their corresponding departments:

Priority list

When you join the university recruitment exercises organized by University Entrance Committee For Overseas Chinese Students, you will be required to fill in a priority list of your own choices in the application. If you are applying through "Individual Application", you can choose 4 departments or programs from any categories, whereas if you are applying through “United Distribution”, you can have at most 70 choices of departments in Group 1, or in Groups 2 and 3, that is, the departments in Groups 2 and 3 can be put in your priority list together, whereas those in Group 1 cannot be matched with Groups 2 and 3.

★ For details, please visit University Entrance Committee For Overseas Chinese Students.

